If you buy a box of FruitLoops in the next month or two,(the one with the Goofy Skateboarding Preview demo CD)
<<<<<DO NOT INSTALL IT!!!!!!>>>>>
Week before last I purchased a 64MB Visiontek GeForce3 Ti200. I installed it. It worked flawlessly. Max Payne and Secret Service ran perfectly at full detail.
My roomate convinced me to install the Goofy demo. Hell I just got a brand new GFX card, hell yeah it would play it, easy. Well halfway through trying out Goofy, the graphics started screwing up, but i kept playing it anyway. The graphics got worse and worse and the computer lagged until I couldn't tell where I was going. Then the computer froze. I shut the power off. Then I rebooted, and my Windows was F****ED
Now WindowsME is unstable anyway, but it was really screwed now. DAMN!!!!
Well anyway, I had to wipe my HDD and then I installed Win2000. Well, anyway...don't bother with Goofy. Oh yeah , and screw Disney....
PeeDee, your OS is perfect for making missions. KME works best in WinME. The imaging program I used for converting the TGAs to BMPs was
Its very frustrating trying to make tilesets, as you all have probably guessed, I've given up. When MH made the RAW tilesets, they should've split each tile up, and not made one big ring like with the cliffs. This makes it really hard to split them and make them look good. The roads, trees, and bridges are also hard to make.
I've noticed in KME that when you import new tiles, their sizes need to be in multiples of 32.. So like one section of grass or water would need to be 32x32pixels or 32x64pixels or 256x512pixels, or any combination like that. They can be as big as you want though.
KME will only recognize BMPs, and will only import 8-bit(256color) images.
You can use irfanview to convert them, it works quite well.
With my total frustration with the new tilesets, I gave up. I thought of some of the mind-blowingly creative KKND3 stories KkndMaster cooked up, and I started trying to make a space tileset. The idea was quickly shot down when I imported a star filled image into KME and it was really terrible looking. Ack!!!
I'd say with KME is fine for making levels, but with the current RAW tilesets, KME is not very functional. I think if MH used this editor to make KKND2, thats why they only included one partial tileset with KME. KME is too damn hard to use!!!!!
I'm not passing the tileset torch, cause I pretty much dropped the damn thing in the toilet.
None of my tiles fit together to where they looked right.
Anyone who wants to try and make the new tilesets, go ahead. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.